We Believe that Jesus Christ came down from heaven bodily through a virgin birth, lived a sinless life, was crucified on a cross, died, and was buried. He rose again on the third day, bodily, revealed Himself to his disciples, and is now sitting on the right hand side of the Father in heaven.
We believe that the sacrifice of Jesus’ death is for all mankind, no matter what race, creed or color. His death replaces all forms of human or animal sacrifice, once and for all.
We believe that all who receive him have received new life and the power to be called the sons and daughters of God.
We believe that the Holy Spirit who is the evidence of the Father and the Son begins to reside in us, empowering us to live Godly lives and to do the work of ministry in this perverse world.
We believe that the church is compromised of all believers in Jesus Christ, from all walks of life, with no respect to denomination, creed, or congregation.
We believe that this same Jesus who came to earth, died for the sins of all mankind, resurrected bodily, who now sits on the right hand of God, the Father, will return someday to judge the world and to receive believers unto Himself into everlasting joy.
We believe that everyone who receives Jesus, as their Lord and Personal Savior is baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in Jesus’ name.
We believe that the only way to receive salvation is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who came to earth and was crucified for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day. It is through the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross that we can receive salvation and inherit eternal life. Faith in Jesus is the only way into heaven as stated in the Bible. Salvation encompasses the forgiveness of sin, physical healing, freedom from anything to which one is in bondage, and authority over evil spirits. To receive the gift of salvation one must confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and be baptized. We also believe that after Jesus returned to the Father, he sent the Holy Spirit to those who believe, empowering them to be witnesses and perform signs and wonders. We adhere to a literal interpretation of the Bible which is the written Word of God.
We look forward to meeting you, digitally and in person! If you need prayer or assistance, please contact us!
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